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A Drink or Ten... *Adult* *Free-To-Join*

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Once it was done, June gives them both  a hug and a smile before she puts her cloths back on and walks out of the bar "I hope we do it again sometime" she told them as she walked out entering her car to sleep off her drunk state. 

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That last burst of hot seed and his mouth on her nipple finally sent her over the edge, clenching down as her juices sprayed up Nick's abdoment, the intense wave of pleasure rippling through her body like an earthquake. And then she blacked out.

When Chloe awoke she was laying in the bed in the back of the bar, disrobed of course, fur matted and stiff from the mess. More prominent however was the feeling of her arse, dull throbbing pain mixed with the still sensitive euphoria of the climax. Heck if it wasn't for the clock on the wall, letting her know it was half past noon, she would have laid there a bit longer. 

Getting up and going into the room next door, which was the bathroom, retrofitted with a shower specifically for her she turned on the water. Just letting the water run down her body she gave a small sigh. With a small thump she dropped down to the floor, curled up, and started to cry.

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Resting on the chair that was used and taking a few deep breaths, Wild took what happen in the past few minutes. Ignoring June leaving the bar, Jasper wanted to make sure he would remember the event for as long as he can. Looking at his dick he relented not being able to last longer but took solace in knowing he was able to tap some ass despite not getting some of Chole's pussy. Feeling a bit better Wild stands up and walks towards his clothing that wasn't even place in one spot. As he picked up the underwear he heard a voice.

"I really hope you enjoyed yourself." Nick said inside the mind folding his arms "All that money gone just to have sex with that woman, who knows what she has!! We could have an infection for all we know!!"

Wild only smirked in respond, "Please...we both know it was well worth the risk, besides, it not like I was the only one enjoying it. And I'm talking about the other person who joined in."  Inside the mind, he gave Nick a glare causing Nick to blush. "Please, like I would actively enjoy having sex the way you did to that woman."

"Oh play that way Nick ." Wild replied " We both know you would never have the balls to do what I just did. Let's face it Nick I'm here because you made me because you can't do what I do."  Those words made a normally calm Nick boil up. Outside in the real world, Wild returned to focusing on getting dressed until he feels pain in his head. "AHH!!!" He winced dropping the clothing he picks up and grabbed his head with his hand. Inside the mind, Nick has Wild from behind into a headlock squeezing the head "I'M AM SO TRIED OF YOU WILD!!!" He said with anger and malice. Wild respond to the headlock was by attempting to maneuver in order to get a better spot to fight back.  He swung around as hard as he could, carrying the weight of both him and Nick. He Nick's grip on Wild's head started to loosen making him move around from behind Wild to his side. In the real world, Wild is swinging around just as he is in the mind.

Taking the opportunity, Wild elbows Nick in the gut forcing him to release the headlock on him. Wild gets to one knee and takes deep breaths in order to recover while Nick does the same thing "Okay....then..." Wild talked in between his breathing. "If your going to..... be like that... then fine!!! I'll let you.... have control again." He said beginning to breathe normally "I got what I'll wanted and because of that, I'll let this side. But don't I'll let you off easy if this happens again."

Back into the real word, Nick who has now taken control of the body opening his eyes and realizing that he was inside the same room as Chole was. He felt awkward being inside the room near her at first but then notice her in a curl up position and soon realized she was crying. Nick couldn't help but feel pity for the woman, wondering what is making her cry. He considered leaving the place, thinking that he wouldn't see her again but he knew he couldn't do it. He just wasn't like Nick.

"Are you ok?" He said in an soft tone voice. "Do you need some help?" 

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