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First off, I'll start by saying I had pretty high hopes for the game, and when I first played it, it seemed like it had a lot of potential and it was fun. However, I can safely say that I absolutely despise the game and I just got done uninstalling it from my PS4. I regret getting it in general... But I'm still grateful to the person who bought it for me. I did get my time and fun out of it, so thank you again.


Now, to get to the bottom of the problem with Destiny... It's broken. The single player is the most linear, repetitive, jumbled, lazy piece of trash campaign I've ever seen in a long time. Story wise, it's literally worse than Call of Duty or Battlefield Campaigns. It's that dense. At least in Battlefield and Call of Duty campaigns, there's something called a PLOT. Something that helps drives the player along and makes them entertained. None of that is here in Destiny. None. Story? I beat the game, the pathetically easy final boss is just a Normal Boss in the game you need to fight like twice in a row. Once you beat that boss, that's it! You even ask yourself? "Wait was that the ending?" I sure did. And it was the ending. The worst offense, I didn't even know what was going on. I still don't know. You're a hero ressurected from a gay little robot that looks like the Brittish robot from Portal 2 except without the personality, and you kill stuff. That's all I know really. The plot does NOTHING to teach you about the world you're playing in, the lore of Destiny is..... I have no idea! There is no lore. No nothing.


The missions are exactly the same. Plug your Ghost in something, then defend it from hordes. Then mission complete. The whole game. That's it, literally, every mission is exactly like that. So in conclusion, the Story mode is complete garbage and lacks any ounce of creativity or fun. The only fun that you can have is in shooting things. That's always fun though.


So if not the Campaign missions, then how about the PVP? Broken. Everything is completely unbalanced and it's filled with people who will out gun and out shoot you every single time. The game isn't well balanced at ALL! I come from a game like Battlefield, where every weapon is balanced and nothing is OP, but Destiny is just a freaking mess and everything is insane. I got killed by a guy with a hand cannon that has exploding/splash damage that shakes my screen when I get shot with it. HOW IS THAT FAIR! I literally am helpless because trying to aim and shoot let alone LOCATE the guy is just next to impossible with a shaking screen. And Destiny is filled to the brim with unfair, unbalanced crap like this that make the PVP completely unplayable for me. I hate it, I really do.


Destiny in the end is just disappointing. The campaign(PVE) is boring and completely uninventive, it's the most lazy campaign I've seen in a long time. Thank god I got Borderlands the Pre Sequel to play because THAT game has a campaign that is FUN, with LOADS of personality and charm and lore to the Borderlands universe.


I do not recommend Destiny. Even if you think it's like an MMO, it only acts like it is. There's merely 20 levels to gain exp with, after that exp is completely useless. Then there's 10 levels you can gain with "Light" which is basically item levels. So, not a lot of things to do, but a LOT LOT LOT of grinding to do. So none of the fun of an MMO, all of the annoying things like grinding.


Destiny: 3/10

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Wow, I never actually played Destiny, but I was hearing some interesting hype for it, always thought 20 levels was rather low, and then I heard it was really easy to level up aswell. Sounds like there's a lot of cheap weapons that make you op, which just isn't fun, and wow, from what I saw, Destiny looked huge, but for no real lore and the final boss is just a boss from the other campaign is pretty abysmal.

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I still have a slightly higher opinion of the game but at the same time everything Sal says said is on the money.


Destiny sadly was over-hyped and the pedigree of Bungie alone did more to garner and promote the hype and we who bought it got suckered.


I wanna wait til the expansions come out and see if there's anything to redeem but yeah Destiny is not what it felt it should have been.


While Bungie is out to fix bugs and improve the current experiences... sadly it doesn't discredit the world feels empty, the story is non-existent, the PVP needs work and more game modes, and well...a lot of other things.

The game play is solid as per Bungie the gun controls, movement and special abilities are top tier. The environments and designs are beautiful...but they don't carry a game. The fact in order to absorb any lore you need to be signed up at Bungie.Net breaks the game experience because you have to go out of the game to take advantage of the Grimoire-card lore system.


It kinda hurts as a long time Bungie fan to see them screw up so badly. It's like they tried to make a game that included everything but never found a balance and suffered for it.


For the co-op it's worth it but without more content and fast and frankly some major fixes...Destiny is gonna be a big smudge on Bungie's reputation especially since they hyped up their first post-Halo project.


I give personally give the game 5/10 but it's still mediocre and only worth it for those with friends who also own the game and if you can accept the flaws. But they're there so fair warning.

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Personally right off the bat I would give the game a 7.5/10

I'm not going to give some lengthy review on it, but I will say that before you judge too harshly, or listen to too many negative reviews, ask someone who enjoys playing it. Figure out if its a game that you wouldn't mind looking past the flaws. 


Yes, the games Story is sad. No real depth. And while the lore is only available on Bungie.Net, it doesn't mean you should hate the fact that you can't just access it from your console right away. I personally haven't read up on any of the lore, but that hasn't stopped me from enjoying the game. 

One thing I encourage people to remember is that Bungie is constantly updating the game. They know its not perfect, which is why they are listening to the fans to make it better. 

PVP on the other hand is another story. If you enjoy balanced Multiplayer VS I would suggest you refrain from competing. If you do enjoy a bit of unbalance, like Halo, then you will find this rather familiar. I personally hate multiplayer vs, unless with friends. However having dabbled in the PVP of Destiny I found it to be rather simplistic and easy to get the hang of. So again be warned. Balanced playing it is not. You won't be fighting other people with the same potential stuff. You will vs other people with other skills and classes. 


PVE on the other hand was enjoyable. While pretty much any enemy is a bullet sponge, apart from the Fallen Walker, which is the only enemy in the entire game with a unique strategy, it is interesting to figure out an enemies unique habits and how it moves and such. For the most part Headshots are an enemies weak spot. However with the Vex one type of enemy in the game, a headshot is usually the last thing you want to do. 


The gear in the game starts off pretty basic with a loot system similar to Borderlands, but a great deal less diverse. You have your white, uncommon, rare, legendary and exotic gear. Each one progressively better in stats and boosts. While they have their problems, Bungie has been patching the types guns to make them more balanced. 

Now comes my final topic of discussion. The MMO aspect. Destiny is moreso a Micro-MMO given you will be on your own for the most part, unless you have friends to play with or you play the Patrol missions, which are basically free-roaming the planet you're on. For me, as a person who doesn't like the crowded feeling, it is awesome. Also, loot drops in game. Loot that drops on your screen, doesn't appear on anyone elses. So you don't have to worry about people ninja-jacking your loot. 

Leveling up while you only get 20 levels plus an additional 10 Light levels based on your current armor, I will agree is pretty stupid. However once you reach level 20 you do still get experience in a sense. Only it counts towards a type of currency used in game. Each time you max out the progress bar you get another item. These items can be used to get unique weapons/armor, and character customization items. However you will need a lot. So kill as much as you can.


Anyways this concludes my not-lengthy review.

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Personally right off the bat I would give the game a 7.5/10

I'm not going to give some lengthy review on it, but I will say that before you judge too harshly, or listen to too many negative reviews, ask someone who enjoys playing it. Figure out if its a game that you wouldn't mind looking past the flaws. 


Yes, the games Story is sad. No real depth. And while the lore is only available on Bungie.Net, it doesn't mean you should hate the fact that you can't just access it from your console right away. I personally haven't read up on any of the lore, but that hasn't stopped me from enjoying the game. 

One thing I encourage people to remember is that Bungie is constantly updating the game. They know its not perfect, which is why they are listening to the fans to make it better. 

PVP on the other hand is another story. If you enjoy balanced Multiplayer VS I would suggest you refrain from competing. If you do enjoy a bit of unbalance, like Halo, then you will find this rather familiar. I personally hate multiplayer vs, unless with friends. However having dabbled in the PVP of Destiny I found it to be rather simplistic and easy to get the hang of. So again be warned. Balanced playing it is not. You won't be fighting other people with the same potential stuff. You will vs other people with other skills and classes. 


PVE on the other hand was enjoyable. While pretty much any enemy is a bullet sponge, apart from the Fallen Walker, which is the only enemy in the entire game with a unique strategy, it is interesting to figure out an enemies unique habits and how it moves and such. For the most part Headshots are an enemies weak spot. However with the Vex one type of enemy in the game, a headshot is usually the last thing you want to do. 


The gear in the game starts off pretty basic with a loot system similar to Borderlands, but a great deal less diverse. You have your white, uncommon, rare, legendary and exotic gear. Each one progressively better in stats and boosts. While they have their problems, Bungie has been patching the types guns to make them more balanced. 


Now comes my final topic of discussion. The MMO aspect. Destiny is moreso a Micro-MMO given you will be on your own for the most part, unless you have friends to play with or you play the Patrol missions, which are basically free-roaming the planet you're on. For me, as a person who doesn't like the crowded feeling, it is awesome. Also, loot drops in game. Loot that drops on your screen, doesn't appear on anyone elses. So you don't have to worry about people ninja-jacking your loot. 

Leveling up while you only get 20 levels plus an additional 10 Light levels based on your current armor, I will agree is pretty stupid. However once you reach level 20 you do still get experience in a sense. Only it counts towards a type of currency used in game. Each time you max out the progress bar you get another item. These items can be used to get unique weapons/armor, and character customization items. However you will need a lot. So kill as much as you can.


Anyways this concludes my not-lengthy review.



So I'm not going to try to nitpick your review here, Blits, but rather give more insight on your points.


The lore, the story available on Bungie.net. I know this doesn't bother you, but think about it this way: What if every game does it like this from now on? Imagine every game leaving out the story, making you read it on a website instead of experiencing it, living it in game. That'd be ridiculous and terrible, wouldn't it? Now, only Destiny has done that, and I've never seen it done before, but it's still a crime against gaming and I hope that this bad design doesn't carry on to any new game in the future. Now for someone who doesn't have a Bungie account, doesn't intend to get one, and plain shouldn't need to get one just to read the story, how am I supposed to know what's going on? I can't otherwise I get an account and read up on it. Isn't that bad? But really, the worst of it is just the fact that the game left out the story and lore altogether. Being able to read on it doesn't make up for the lack of any of it in the game.


To say the least, you said that doesn't really matter to you anyway, you enjoy the game without it. But I'm just discussing gaming in general, because this type of "storytelling" is scary for the gaming industry.


You made a point about Bungie updating the game. This is a good point. Battlefield 4 was utterly broken on launch, as much as it pains me to admit it, and after about a year now, they finally released enough patches to call it a solid game. So yeah while a lot of the issues with unbalance and bad design are there, Bungie will listen to feedback and probably patch the game to make it a lot better in the future. I know I didn't give up on BF4 when it was broken, so if what anyone is worried about is the broken or glitchy or plain bad state of the game, it'll likely be patched and made a lot better.


So everything else you said is pretty much on point, I don't disagree with any of that. However you said look past the flaws to enjoy it, but sometimes one just can't ignore the bad things that make the game that could've been amazing and epic into something that is drab and less than average. The shooting is top notch, the graphics are amazing, but this isn't enough to keep a good gamer like me happy. And you know, I'm not sure of what the expansions are going to be about or if they'll have stories/plots etc, but either way, it feels like they're simply selling us content that should've been in the game at launch. Why? Because no story. So they pack it and sell it as expansions for us later. I'm not saying this is what is going to happen but it certainly is looking to be that way.


Conclusion/Blits conclusion: If you like shooting things, you'll like this game. If no story doesn't bug you and repetitive enemies and missions is something you can look past, then you can enjoy this game.


But giving it a high score because you can look past obvious glaring issues isn't really a fair score. If I had to give it a professional, unbiased review, I'd give it a 5/10.

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I was under the impression Destiny would like similar to an MMO like Warframe (ninjas play free), crossed with the looting and open world of borderlands 1 and 2. Turns out is only pretending to be an MMO and pretending to be as open as borderlands 1 and 2

Precisely.. And it's too bad because I think the game was simply far overhyped.

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Destiny maybe able to pull itself out of the fire if the expansions and maybe some big free update work helped expand and correct the flaws in both the repetitiveness and lack of in-game story and lore ability that currently hurts it.


But that's all speculative and doesn't detour the game is far, far from what it was hyped to be. Seems to be a theme of late and I'm rather glad Alien Isolation and Evil Within have done a nice job of showing games with good hype don't always have to end at the disappointment outcome.



Just for fun here's my list of things that could have made Destiny better, or if done right in updates and expansions can rectify the problems plaguing it.



Make it so you can access the Grimoire lore system IN-GAME. You don't need to remove Bungie.Net's capability just add it so it's also in-game.


Those lovely ships you can only stare at during the loading-transition screens (which while long are beautiful to view), make space combat possible give us a reason to care about ships design, look and blueprint level. Add weapon customization and maybe free-space or free-planet flying before landing for missions.

Add more patrol spawning points. Sucks to spawn at the same place and have to hoof it across a big map to find your favorite grounds for farming.


Mix up the mission variety and ditch relying on the 'horde-wave' mechanic and instead of making bosses bullet sponges make them unique and require strategy.


Balance PVP and add more game modes to spice it up.

Improve and diversify the bounty system so again lack of rinse and repeat and increase the rewards so it's again less ungodly grinding. There's challenge to reach a prestige rank and then there's grinding til your brain's numb. It honestly feels like a chore gathering marks/currency from the various factions much less the XP to gain ranks with them.


Maybe add more classes.

Do what Bioware did and maybe some free DLC/Update patches to introduce more lore and story in-game instead of the minimalist approach that has earned the ire of those teased by the tales of what already happened but no pay off.

Lastly make the environments less empty feeling, add more interactivity with the environment, add fauna, something to add a sense of life even if you're dealing with wastelands a times.


This is all of course wishful thinking but, one can wish can't they?

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Actaully exp isn't useless I just read up Exp you gain will go into aquaring a Mote of Light which is currency you can use to purchase items from The Speaker and Xur, Agent of the Nine.


In fact for leveling up further you can aim to gaining currenct for them or an eaiser option Vangurad currency as they hold items that contain a lot of light. An easy way to gain the currency is to haverst materials on each planet and trade them in at the Vanguard Quartermaster.

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Actaully exp isn't useless I just read up Exp you gain will go into aquaring a Mote of Light which is currency you can use to purchase items from The Speaker and Xur, Agent of the Nine.


In fact for leveling up further you can aim to gaining currenct for them or an eaiser option Vangurad currency as they hold items that contain a lot of light. An easy way to gain the currency is to haverst materials on each planet and trade them in at the Vanguard Quartermaster.


Very true but with the prices and having to wait for materials to respawn, the grind can still be mind-numbing and I'm an old fashioned RPG'er who did the grind for XP to be a level or three higher than what the game recommended for an area or to buff stats depending on the RPG mechanics. When the grind to get stuff period is a harsh grind, then something is wrong with your game design as grinding should be a challenging but not off-putting unless you're over-grinding for your own personal sake (which then makes the mind-numbing your own fault to degrees).

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