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Everything posted by Mathew322

  1. I had a feeling this new Team Acorn was running on a trial. Great to hear we've got a full license now! I'm sure it will be fine Miles. Even if something goes wrong everyone here knows you're skilled enough to make it right.
  2. And then the new Team Acorn Forums can really get started!
  3. Only 100 left. I wonder who it's going to be.
  4. Is there a deadline for donations by any chance?
  5. Fair point. I'm just hoping someone else donates soon. I want to see all the new stuff that can be done!
  6. Well now I feel totally awesome! So my 1.5 multiplier is only good for a year?
  7. The paysite would be for the main Team Acorn site. The forums would stay free like she said.
  8. Take your time Miles. Such a new feature is bound to crash sooner than later.
  9. Well keep up the good work Miles! You're doing a wonderful job!
  10. Well something seems to be going on. Boxes are popping up here and there and in the chat list there's an option a the top to change the chat theme. I personally like the leaf theme since it adds in visual icons and makes it a lot easier to use too.Could you explain what the Applications box on the far left and the Notification box on the far right are for? Also, congrats on your 100th post!
  11. It looks nice but is there something wrong with the GUI? It almost seems like there are icons missing.
  12. I noticed the chat vanished from the new skin which makes sense since it's being updated. So along with the skin, chat, and gallery are there other updates to the sites plug-ins that you'll be applying here and there, or are most of the sites features up to date already? Looking at this new skin it's makes me wonder why the emotions don't have transparent edges. It's an easy fix I'm sure.
  13. This is pretty good. Can't wait to see what the chat looks like when it's fixed. They actually glowed before but the white background made the glow blend in more.
  14. Hey do you know why chats seemed to be bugging up for a while? Was it do to this?
  15. Really? I never lose connection to the site. Do you know if it's on your end or something with the site?
  16. How many posts did each bot have? If they all had one post each that was an advertisement then there's no way you could have banned a real person.
  17. I reported one earlier today.
  18. That's sad. He might have complained a lot about my character but he wasn't a bad guy.
  19. And a Merry Christmas to you too.
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