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Everything posted by Mathew322

  1. Take as much as you need to help your grandmother. I'm sure everyone understands.
  2. It's because when they were updating the forum software they forgot to fix the favicon. I'm sure when Miles shows up again he'll fix it.
  3. I understand, though I don't think the awards are stacking correctly. It's showing both the two time and three time donation award.
  4. Why is my awards list only showing five at a time?
  5. If that's the case then I"ll settle for the third donation award and the minor number of Rings. I'm happy to help Team Acorn, and/or the people that run it, when I can so no need to refund me.
  6. Okay. Well just for the record I did donate just now. I don't know how long Paypal takes to process but Team Acorn is 1/7th of the way there.
  7. Well I know this is the third time I've donated so I should have the the three time donation award, though I'd prefer to have all three at the same time. Also I believe you're looking for this topic: Donations!
  8. I feel like this past year has been a real learning experience for everyone on Team Acorn and I'd like to say how happy I am to know you all. Merry Christmas Everyone!
  9. That's great Blitscreet. Just in time for the holidays too!
  10. It's great to have you back Jericho. The only topics I know of that it's your turn in is the Aerial Drop-off topic and the All Hallows Eve topic.
  11. These topics are made so one person can keep everyone up to date on what's going on with them. Make your own topic Sallylover.
  12. Didn't know Blitscreet was in Canada. Well I hope the donation helps.
  13. That's a damn shame. I hope it doesn't take too long.
  14. Ya, I've had a support ticket open since October 16th and I haven't heard anything from it. I'm sure it must be the fact that it was set to private when I posted it rather than public but I only noticed that afterwards and couldn't change it. If I could get someone to look into it then that would be really great.
  15. It's no problem. I knew paypal was going to charge a small fee and the exchange rate was going to make it look smaller so I made sure to compensate.
  16. I'm aware of that. It's just easier to use the Currency Converter to figure everything out rather than doing the conversions manually.
  17. Never thought I'd have to use the Currency Converter in the ArrowChat bar. Now it's not every day I have to deal with Pounds over here in the states so I assume the Currency Converter would be set from "United States Dollar (USD)" to "British Pound Sterling (GBP)"?
  18. It's no trouble at all SaL. Take your time and fix it to the standard Team Acorn in known for!
  19. Okay. This is only for donating to you right? Not Team Acorn?
  20. Well you would know better than I would so keep up the awesome work!
  21. That's great! So when are the calender, gallery, and downloads page coming online?
  22. So I take it that the information listed here is still valid then? No background, four character limit, etc?
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