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Everything posted by Mathew322

  1. Well it seems to be gone now.
  2. Seems there's a censor now on that chat, is there any way to remove that?
  3. Nice job Miles, great to see you got everything up and running. ^^
  4. It's cool, I'm sure we can go for a while without the chat.
  5. All the problems I've reports over the last few days seem to be fixed. ^^
  6. Holds up torch and pitchfork. "Then you best be moving along bub." Well if you have any plans on being active then we could always use a tech guy on hand, I'm most of the other would agree to that. ^^
  7. We have S.Administrators? Well I've contacted him a few times in the past, none recently but he seemed pretty cool.
  8. Happy New Years everyone!
  9. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone. I hope everyone has a great time all the way up to New Years and Way to go on the two year anniversary.
  10. Happy late Thanksgiving to you all and I hope you all had a good time.
  11. It's perfectly alright SaL, take as much time as you need.
  12. Welcome back SaL, hope you're feeling better!
  13. Oh man, I hope it's nothing too serious. Hope she makes a great recovery from whatever happened.
  14. Have a good rest Weltall, I'm sure you've earned it.
  15. Is Team Acorn taking longer to load for anyone else or is it just me?
  16. Don't worry, Team Acorn hasn't been very active in the last week so you don't have much to catch up on.
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