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Everything posted by Blitscreet

  1. Status updates are redundant.

  2. Happy Birthday to Me~

  3. Maple Syrup Covered Bacon...Thats about as Canadian as it gets.

  4. No its taking a ridiculously long time to load for me. More often than not it wont load. I cant do much on the forums before it just stops
  5. Hi my name is Blitscreet, and I have a character creating obsession.

    1. Blitscreet


      Downunda thread atm. XD

    2. Blitscreet


      Yeah I spread my characters out everywhere.

    3. Blitscreet


      Yeah, which sucks since everyone has all their characters in the great forest. Which makes interacting with anyone else hard as fuck.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  6. Merry Christmas to all and to all a Wonderful Christmas. Yeah original or not don't care XD. Hope everyone has an awesome one. ^^
  7. Got a replacement. Universal and cost a lot but at least it will tide me over till I get a battery
  8. Laptop charger cord broke. -.- no cord no battery, gonna be gone for a while again till I get a replacement.
  9. More like just in time to buy everyone gifts. Just gotta wait on Paypal now XD
  10. WELL GUESS WHO GOT HIS NEW LAPTOP TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. No, Weltall is mailing it to me because I can't get that specific laptop here in Canada. Anything that comes close was $100 more for a lower quality product. Anyways lithium battery. Apparently its a fire hazard. Which is pathetic because if it breaks it means they shipped it improperly. So Weltall is gonna try and find a way to mail it without the stupid inability to mail a laptop battery.
  12. Due to even more unforseen conplications it will probably be another week or more before I get my laptop.
  13. Kind of rude Mathew just telling hin to make his own topic, but yeah. This topic concerns me, and I am still without a laptop. Sorry Sally lover but I know you probably won't be back for a bit so I will refrain from deleting your post.
  14. Due to idiocy because of BestBuy I have yet to recieve my laptop. And and am still forced to only read on my phone. However I will be posting OOC talk since it is easier than RP posts*. I hope to have a laptop soon... *Making RP posts is very difficult when all you have to type on is an Iphone with a screen only 2 inches wide. Not to mention the typing lag and ridiculously frequent typos Edit: I am almost always on Skype on my phone. Username is Blitscreet for anyone who wants to talk to me on there.
  15. Just a small update on my current iphone only status to let you all know I'm alright. Posting is a pain with this thing. Anyways thanks to a few generous donations and money I had saved up I am $310 towards a new laptop. Thanks to SaL who found me an amazing laptop I hope to be back before December. The link below is the laptop SaL found for me which is absolutely amazing. http://m.bestbuy.com/m/e/product/detail.jsp?skuId=2287004&pid=1219071221794 Anyways I hope you all are doing well. I am hoping to get back to the forum soon to start RPing and talking to you all again.
  16. I hate to say it, but I have to be taking a leave of absence from the RP boards. My laptops CPU is fried and I'm making this reply from my phone. I dont know when I'll be back since I dont have the money to get a new laptop. Sorry for this everyone.
  17. Need to speed things up.

  18. People, unless you create the thread DO NOT SAY WHEN IT HAPPENS!!!!

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