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Spring time catch (*Ask to free to join)

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       Birds sing within the trees, and the wind gently blows on this warm spring morning. The clouds do start to gather above showing that it might rain pretty soon, but for the most part there is a nice blue sky. The flowers have started to grow out of the ground through out the great forest drawing many to come look at them, and hike through the forest. Plants start to slowly move around as something walks past them though staying within the shadows.

Two white ears can be seen every now, and than as they move around listing to what is going on around them. Soon a white wolf wearing camo pants, bow with a quiver of arrows, and a back pack carrying gear within it steps out of the shadows. Slowly he starts to kneel down as he places his right hand onto the ground as he looks for tracks. He stands just a little under four feet tall, with emerald green eyes. Those eyes slowly move around as he looks for any kind of danger. Letting out a sign he starts to move once more slowly through the forest.


This young wolf traveling through the forest known as Yuma, and he is one of the newest members of the freedom fighters. He hasn’t been with them for very long, and hasn’t seen the enemy as of yet as well. On days like today he likes to go out, and check on his traps he set up within the great forest to make sure none of the freedom fighters are in them. All of his traps are not deadly so no one really gets hurt to badly.


There is another reason why he is out in this area of the great forest as well. One that he gave many warnings to the others about, and even marked them on maps. This area of the forest has a lot of quicksand pits within it. Living in the forest all of his life he found all of the quicksand pits within this area for safety reasons, and doesn’t care to travel around here. However he also doesn’t like the idea of one of his new allies out this way, and falling into them. For that reason Yuma is out here checking on the quicksand pits to make sure no one has fallen into them. Though as he travels he stays alert for any kind of danger so that he can defend himself if needed.

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