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Hearing Ashley speak to him caused Antoine to turn and look over to Ashley " True...True.." Antione agreed "It would be nice, but not at the cost of losing feeling in some of your limbs for zee rest of the life." He added, "I'm sure Bunnie would want nothing more than to get her limbs back." He finished looking over to Bunnie and then back to being the lookout, keeping eyes out for any swatbots near.

 While keeping a lookout for any swatbots until it's okay to climb up and meet with Bunnie and Sally again, Antoine overheard the Tweak's warning and responded  saying : "Thank you for zee...how you say head up?" Antione said to Tweak feeling a little embarrassed saying the last part of the words he just said. He didn't normally say words like those but has been trying to recently in hopes of being more relatable to the others here and at Knothole. Antoine thinks it working but still finds it a bit hard to say without feeling a bit embarrassed saying it. He turned back over to Ashley now that they can climb the rope to get into the window.

"You may climb up first if you wish camarade."

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They needed to be quick if they wanted to avoid detection. Sally was the first to move up the rope, climbing with steady breaths and a lot of upper body strength. She was glad she did so much training and excercising back at home. She looked up as she climbed at Bunnie and the window. The rabbit didn't seem to be struggling, her robotic limbs doing all the heavy lifting. She made a quick glance around the area as she neared the window, even though Tweak answered and said there were no threats nearby, she couldn't help but make sure with her own eyes.


Reaching the window, she smiled at Bunnie and flipped over it and climbed down the rope to the ground on the other side. She noticed the red on Bunnie's palm and pulled out her first aid pack getting it ready to treat the rabbit when she came down.


Taking a careful glance around, the inside of the building was rather spacious, something she knew Robotnik favored with his designs. The entire room was lit up with artificial lights. Swatbots in squads patroled around, making the squirrel feel uneasy at best. However as long as they were quiet and careful, they shouldn't notice them. It helped to have a large metal crate to hide her from view as well, there wasn't much cover from there to the doorway her eyes found across the room. She didn't have a map of the place but she guessed that doorway led to a corridor that would make it difficult to sneak past guards. At least.. difficult for a squad of four.


The large room itself was filled with various vehicles, ships, the usual cargo Robotnik kept in his warehouses. If all that was there was the usual junk, it was more a relief than anything else. However there being so much activity there of late... Sally had a feeling it wasn't so simple.

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Ashley Looked at Antione as he talked to her about the cost and how Bunnie would want nothing more then to get her limbs back. She then realized that her comment wasn't really well thought out. She didn't talk much given her personality. She looked down at the ground thinking a moment then looked back at him. "Yeah your right. Guess i would to if i was in her place." She said then looked up and watched as Sally took the lead up the rope with a bit of a blush. She didn't really know why at the time but passed it off as her being impressed with the Princess's upper body strength. It was impressive even to her she thought since she used the trees around Knothole to glide around. After she was up and over to the other side she heard Antione thank Tweak then give her the go ahead to climb up next.

She then walked over next to him looking at him once more with a nod then took hold of the rope giving the thumbs up to Bunnie letting her know she was coming up. Shortly after that she reached up gripping the rope tightly and started climbing her way up. She stopped a moment using her feet to hold her steady and took a glance behind her then worked her way up to Bunnie and climbed up into the window. She put her hand on Bunnies shoulder a moment giving her a smile that was both serious but all so reassuring before nodding and climbing down the other side next to Sally. Next to Sally she had seen what she likely seen on her way down and whispered to her.

"Lot of them and not a whole lot of cover." She said to her before moving to the other side of the metal crate keeping an eye out for bots.

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Bunnie had noticed right away the med kit that Sally pulled out, holding her hand out so it could be tended to once she had made her way to her, one of her 3 companions inside now. Then she noticed Ashley next and watched her make her way to the window and them finally inside, raising a confused blow when the women set her hands on the rabbit's shoulders, unsure what the assuring look meant but still smiling back at her to be polite, "Hey Sugar-Twan, you coming?" she called out towards the window, making sure she didn't yell it out too loudly to alert the SWATbots, not wanting to get them caught but the longer one of them stayed outside the easier it would be for a camera to spot them.

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Finally seeing Ashley going up into the window to meet the other freedom fighters, Antoine check for anymore swatbots in the area one more time before hearing Bunnie's voice. It wasn't loud but it was enough for Antoine to hear the question asked by the rabbit. Heading to the rope he responds "I am coming, Bunnie. I just wanted to make sure the swatbots aren't coming." grabbing the rope Antoine pulls it a bit to make sure it would fall down to his weight. He began to climb it making his way up to the window, remembering that time has passed since Sally threw the piece of metal distracting a group of the swatbots causing him to climb up faster. Antoine winced in pain from his muscles and cursed himself for not focusing on working on his upper body strength during his training.

Almost near the window were the others went in Antoine heard a sound and looked toward the cause "Not now..." He said as he sees a group of swat bots that were a bit far but was coming near the area. Now focusing on not getting caught in the position he is in right now Antoine climbed the rope faster and made it into the window. After placing his feet onto the floor Antoine quickly pulled the rope up as fast as he can ignoring the others for a second in the hopes that the Swatbots doesn't see the rope coming up. Every second he spent pulling up the rope up to him made Antoine worry grow fearing for the other members, hoping that nothing bad happen because of this moment. Finally pulling the rope Antoine moves away from the window but took a peak outside making certain he wasn't seen to see the swatbots doing their regular patrol not seeming to notice anything that would alert them of them presence.

Antoine breathing went back to normal but only for a short while as he realized he needed to stay silent or else risk the mission. Seeing the others near him he grab the rolled the rope up and carried it before moving to the create near Ashley "Sorry for ze wait everyone." He said silently " Wanted to make sure we left no trace for the swat bots." 

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"Not sure why but Swat bot activity is picking up in your area" Tweak warns to his fellow freedom fighters. he sends their positions to Nicole. They don't seems to be actively looking for anyone so i assume it's the big night sweep." Tweak sighs and gets back to monitoring "Be careful guys and gals"

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Gathering the information Tweak had sent, Sally replied with a quiet 'Nice job, Tweak' as she studied the map. She knew at this point traveling as a group wasn't going to happen without them getting caught, they were just too big a squad. "Okay team," she whispered in the radio channel so Bunnie could hear as she made her way down from the window, "from here we'll need to split up." Considering Bunnie and Sally were both the veterans of the team, she wanted to make sure each small group had one experienced Freedom Fighter. "Bunnie, go with Antoine," she said, before looking at Ashley and continuing. "Ashley, you're with me. Bunnie and Antoine, you two take the hallway through that door. Ashley and I will sneak through the vents and see if we can find something. If you two find anything, let us know. Stay away from any danger, and if something happens, get out of there immediately," she warned.

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She watch Bunnie as she came down from the window. Ashley turned her attention back to Sally when she started talking about splitting up into two groups and that she was to follow her. She moved closer to her after checking once more from her position that nothing was coming in there direction. "Understood Sal and ready when you are." She said softly then looked at the others. "Lets all make it out of hear together." She added trying her best to add an extra boost to the groups moral.

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The rabbit smiled at Sally after her hand was properly bandaged up, giving a nod to her team leader, the plan and instructions sounding pretty simple, "Understood Sally-girl." Bunnie said as she gave a respectful wink and two-finger solute, then reaching out to Antoine and grabbing him by the wrist, "Come on Antoine, we got some recon to do." then pulling him over to the door where she then, using her metal hand, gripped the knot of the presumably locked door and twisting it till the knot came right off, then simply pushing the inner-mechanism and other knob out from the other side of the door with only a metal finger, "After ya'll." she said to her partner, opening for Antoine so he could lead.

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Hearing Princess Sally next orders Antione nodded in understanding, secretly hoping for the best case scenario and that he sees Ashley and Sally again once he heads off with Bunnie."Like Ashley said, let's be safe until we get home." He added to Ashely words before turning toward Bunnie. As he turned toward her to speak with her  he feels something on his wrist. He sees Bunnie grabbing him and making their way to the door near them while hearing her words. "Now now Bunnie." Antoine said " There no need to rush thing in a place like this." He said, "Let's take our....."

Antoine stopped mid-sentence once he saw Bunnie open the door the way she did. Despite knowing her for a long time he still was amazed at some of the stuff she could do. Bunnie next words were said but Antoine didn't move an inch as he was not willing to go first. "Bunnie...." He started in a light-hearted but serious tone "If I were to go first, I would dishonor myself so please go first." He said motioning toward the door with his hand.

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A room somewhere in the building housed one of the most notorious members of Robotnik's Legion: Lien-Da herself. She gazed at the comrades before her, the meager ones with disgust, but nonethless briefed them on their task. "Now that the weapons are nearly complete, we only need to move them to the vehicle base for installation," she continued, her earlier introductions out of the way. In her hand she held up a green glowing vial, not larger than Robotnik's chubby finger, and waved her arm slowly across the room to show all of them. With this she knew the Freedom Fighters were history. They stood no chance against the new weapon, Lien-Da smiled at that.


The Princess slowly made her way across the room, carefully making sure there were no bot guards near them or coming toward them. Occasionaly she glanced behind her to check on Ashley, whom was following her just as careful thankfully. Despite being a rookie, Ashley showed great promise. Reaching the other side of the room, she needed to climb the large pipe going through the wall and stretching across the rest of that side until it went through again. She guess the pipe did what all of the other pipes in the city accomplished; Carried polluted smoke and air through the building and out of the side of top, further destroying the environment.

"Quick Ashley," she gestured as she got on one knee with her hands resting upright on it. "I'll give you a boost, then you can pull me up on top of the pipe." Luckily they were mostly in the shadows of the corner of the room, and once they climbed the pipe, they could easily walk on top of it right to the vent.



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Keeping close to Sal Ashley kept pace with her making sure to keep the sounds of her movement as quiet as she could while keeping an eye on the rear for any dangers or to make sure they weren't being followed. When they stopped she slipped her goggle up as Sally talked and gestured to her to hop up onto the pipe. She looked up at the pipe then back to her when she mentioned giving her a boost up. She looked up once more briefly then did as she asked. "Going to take forever to get this filth out of my fur." She whispered with a bit of humor.

Shortly after that with Sally's help she was able to grab onto the pipe but lost her grip as she tried to pull herself up from the large buildup of dust on the pipe. "Sorry Sal the pipes are covered with dust and its making it hard to get a good grip." She whispered and tried again. This time managing to get a good grip onto the pipes and pull herself up. Up on top of the pipe she looked around then cleared a section of the pipe free of dust then finally positioned herself and reached down for her. "Ready" She said to her waiting for her to climb up.

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Bunnie smiled at the soldier while also snickering on the inside a tiny bit, while it was a bit silly that he'd make a point about his own honer while they were in a very potentially dangerous time like this she couldn't help but to respect him for his manners, he was a gentlemen through and through and with a small nod she walked forward towards the door and entered through it, making sure not to kick the knob and mechanism with her feet, "Ya'll better be able to keep up sugar-twan." she said, looking back with a wink before she ran up ahead down the hallway to scout things out.

She could easily knock any SWATbot to bits if she ran into one so her taking the lead seemed like the safer option, though she knew Antoine would have probably wanted to do that. While moving she quickly peeked into any side rooms they passed by, hitting the end of the hall where another door stood. Upon opening it she walked out onto a balcony that line the side of the small building, some bridges connecting it to other close by structures, "This looks mighty promising." she said, waiting for her partner to catch up before they moved on. Bunnie spotted a long trail of windows lining the outside side of the building they were currently working it, maybe peering through them would reveal something on the lower levels of the structure? A factory floor perhaps or maybe how many bots were skulking around the building?

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Antoine couldn't help himself but smile when he saw Bunnie nod and move forward to the next area of the building. It just wasn't in his nature to go first when a lady was behind him and was relieved that the rabbit complied to Antoine wishes and make a note to thank her when the mission was completed and they were back at home. With Bunnie into the next room, Antoine went through the door and into the next room slowly analyzing the room just in case something bad happens but his analyzing is cut short when Bunnie talks to him.  The wink Bunnie sent to him caught Antione's eye as he replied "Coming Bunnie, there no need to rush in ze place like zis." Antoine said but by the time he said it Bunnie headed deep in the factory.  He looked into the same rooms and afterward headed toward the balcony right next to Bunnie.

"It seems like zee area connects to the other buildings near us." Antoine said looking outward "Know whats over zee parts."

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The Princess and her partner Ashley made it through up onto the pipes and entered the vents with a little help from a metal-cutting laser from Nicole to open them up. Sally was never too comfortable in a confined space like vents but she was used to crawling in such places to hide or sneak around. She tried her best to silently crawl around, glancing into each room a vent cage was found. It wasn't long before she heard the echoes of a sinister voice she knew all too well. Following the sound, Sally was led to another vent opening where she peeked through to see Lien-Da and her cronies packing large crates. The Echidna herself held a strange green vial in her hand, flipping it through her fingers as she watched them work. Pulling Nicole toward her mouth, Sally made a whisper into the mic, "Guys, I found something. Lien-Da is here, and she is packaging something-"

Just then, a metal whine was heard in the vents, before they were ripped open and out fell Sally and Ashely in front of the lackies and Lien-Da.

"Nice to see you again, Princess," Lien-Da cackled as her lackies surrounded them while Sally was standing up. If Sally didn't know any better, Lien-Da seemed all too happy to see them.
"Did you really think it would be that easy to break into this operation of ours?"

Sally couldn't help but grin in defiance. "You know... For a second there... Yeah, I kinda did."

"Bill!" snapped Lien-Da, "Kill her comms!"

A nervous and squirrely beaver grunt nodded and frisked them both. "Y-yes, ma'am!"

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Keeping pace with her Ashley followed Sally as she moved on through the pipes. She followed closely behind her and paused at each vent to take a look as she did then followed her. She felt uneasy. Not many options for an escape besides turning around and making a swift retreat back where they came from and that made her uneasy as they moved through the piping. Shortly after thinking about the confines of the place they where in she heard the same echo after Sally did and paused in place a moment then continued behind her.

When they made there way to the source of the voice she moved closer to Sally and looked through the vent as well seeing the Echidna down below. She watched as Sally sent word to the others about Lien-Da just before the pipe tore open. Thinking quickly Ashley twisted around as she started to slide and did her best to try and get a grip on the inside of the pipe but to little use and instead slid out backwards cutting her forearm as she slipped out. She winced in pain but quickly extended her parachute like arms out to move her upper body forward enough to avoid falling flat on her back and landed on her feet near Sally. No sooner had she landed she noticed they where surrounded.  Ashley stood up looking at Lien-Da as she squawked orders. She couldn't help but glare at Lien-Da in her own form of defiance towards her. She watched as the beaver took Sallys communication then moved towards her. "Touch me with that hand and you'll never touch anything again." She commented taking the communicator from her jacket and her dagger then dropped them on the floor. By then there was all so a small poor of blood on the floor next to her.

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"princess......looks like the swat bots have finished  there sweep" Tweak informed  sally. He was a little confused to see the video com open on Nicole. He paused for a second as he saw the face of a strange beaver dude instead of sally. Not knowing what's happening but fearing the worse Tweak activates panic mode. 

A low beep rings out to all the teams com links. Just low enough for the team to hear but not loud enough in be heard by others. Tweak hoped this warned the others that something is wrong. "please don't let this be a false  alarm. I hate  to get everyone worked up over nothing" 

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Bunnie had already started across a bridge that stretched out to an adjacent building when her com started beeping, her long ears giving two or three twitches before she fully realized where it was coming from. Pulling the communicator out she pressed the button on it, "Tweak? Something wrong?" she asked, turning right around and back to the building, taking a turn down the catwalk that was mounted to the side of the building, making her way to the windows that lined the balcony bridge. Peering down into the room below she watched as several goons were packing crates only to storm out franticly into a connecting room, some crates still open, "What's that they're packing up down there?" she wondered, knowing they had to get down there while they could and nobody was around.


She soon turned her attention to Antoine, "Ya'll ain't gonna like it but I got an idea to get ya down there." she said, reaching to the window and slowly opening it up, "How strong is the back of ya'lls shirt?" she asked, planning to lower him down into the warehouse below.

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Looking at the area in front of him Antoine thought about his next plan of action until he realized Bunnie already started moving across a bridge. Antoine thought about stopping Bunnie and coming talking about where to go next but seeing how he didn't know which bridge went to what so he decided to follow her hoping they could find something. Soon his com started to beep making him take notices as did his own ears in the form of twitching. He sees Bunnie grabbing her own com and talking to it and to Tweak making Antoine wonder if something going on. Antoine pulls out his com and speaks to it. "Tweak..is there somzing ze matter?" He whispered not wanting to risk anyone hearing him.

A hint of worry is inside Antoine as he hears Bunnie ask a question causing him to put aside his worry and look down himself. " Maybe provisions  " He answered, " Or it could be ze part for ze swatbots.." He guessed. He was interested in what was in those crates himself but just like Bunnie was out of range to get a full look at them.

Antoine then looked at the rabbit in confusion once she asked him about his shirt. "My shirt...you ask?" He said thinking about how to answer the question "I guess my shirt is de durable but to ze moi the truth I haven't really tested it." He had to admit. He just thought it was pointless to do so.

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"I'm not sure whats up but something is off with princess Sally" Tweak tells the other Freedom  Fighters. " I can't get a hold of her and Nicole is being held by some random dude. I really hoping I'm over reacting but I've lost to many friends to not acting" 

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She listened to Tweak, nodding as he explained, "Don't worry Tweak, we'll be back inside before ya know it." she assured. Standing up and listening to Antoine, thinking about her plan while looking around the room some more, besides the door the thugs left from there was also a presumably locked garage door, it gave her a slightly better idea then just finding out what was in thoe crates, "Alright sugar-Twan, here's the plan, I'm gonna lower ya'll down there and then you let me in through the garage." she explained in shower and simple, "I'd jump down there myself but my feet would make me way to clunky." she added, wondering if he'd go through with it.

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"If I didn't know any better I'd say the two of you are not the only ones here, Princess," Lien-Da sneered with a confident grin. "Now if you make this easy, I won't have to hurt the two of you before you are roboticized. So tell me your plan. Where are your other friends?" The red Echidna paced before them, her guards holding their stun weapons at the ready.

Sally, bearing a nasty glare directed at Lien-Da, shook her head and gritted her teeth. "We're just having fun exploring," was her reply, being as vague as possible.

With a flick of her hand the beaver named Bill walked behind Ashley and held her arms behind her back with force. Lien-Da, casually and cooly, walked right up to the flying squirrel before sending a powerful bunch straight to her stomach. "You're not taking this seriously at all, Sally," she cackled, shaking her hand as if the blow had hurt it too.

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The second Antoine heard Tweak's  lasts words cause the worry that was small and put aside in him to show itself as shown by the look on Antoine's face. He turned his head to look over at the hallway, considering going back to see if Princess Sally and Ashley were okay until he heard Bunnie talk to him and telling Antoine her plan to put him down. After hearing the plan He looked over to the hallway and then back over to Bunnie.  "Bunnie," He started, thinking on what to say to her for a second, looking down at the floor above him.

"I'm worried for zee others back there. What if somezing bad happen to them?" He asked. Despite him being on missions as a freedom fighter for a long time, it was still hard for him to deal with the possibility of losing one of his allies in missions like these. "As for the plan you have Bunnie, I am willing to do it but I cannot help but worry about the others."


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Ashley stood there watching Lien-Da talk to them about not being the only ones hear then go on about threatening to harm both of them before being roboticized and to tell her there plans before pacing between them. Ashley turned her head slightly to the left noticing that Lien-Da's guards where holding stun weapons watching one of them flick the handheld device on briefly trying to intimidate them to some degree. She turned her attention back to Sally when she mentioned they where simply exploring and smiled at Lien-Da nodding her head. 

She watched as Lien-Da waved her hand signalling to one of her henchmen. Shortly after she felt him grab one arm tight and forcefully then her injured arm making her grit her teeth from the slight pain of her bad arm being yanked back and bleeding again. She looked back at Bill shaking her body struggling against his hold on her then noticed Lien-Da casually walking up to her and glared at her with a look of detest and protest to being restrained. She had a feeling she knew what was gonna happen next and her instincts didn't fail her as Lien-Da suddenly gave her a powerful blow to her stomach making her gasp and spit from the force of the blow. Her legs wobbled a little as she breathed in hard trying to recover from the blow. A moment later taking a few short breaths she looked up at Lien-Da "What do you got something against sight seeing you frigid bit**?" She said taking another breath in smiling to her.

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"I know ya'll are Antoine, I'm plenty worried for them too, but if my hunch is right then that room connects back up to the rest of the building." she said, standing up and looking over at the other end of the catwalk and at the door they had come out of, "If Sally-girls in trouble then we ain't got time to stand around, they'll be sending goons out to look for us." she told him before taking his by the back of his shirk and lifting the coyote up, "We ain't got time to talk about it, once we're back inside we'll go looking for the others." she said, lifting him over to the open window and extending her arm downwards, slowly lowering him into the storage house, ready to head down to the garage door right away so he could let her in.

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