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Posts posted by Mac-Man


    The sounds of constant hitting can be heard in a section of the fighting between the freedom fighters and the legion as Jeremy's whaling on the Swatbot he landed on earlier continues. The Swatbot moved around quickly in order to get Jeremy off him but the dog has a good grip on him and isn't showing any signs of letting go. A few more minutes and hits to the Swatbot later and Jeremy notices the Swatbot shows little damage done to it. He stops hitting the Swatbots in order to reassess the situation while the bot itself speed ups and heads toward a large tree. Understanding what the bot is about to do next, Jeremy releases his grip thus getting off the robot before it crashes into the tree. Down on the ground, Jeremy looks over to the bot to see it almost unharmed from the last action. 

    "Ok..." Jeremy whispers to himself getting up Removing some of the dirt on him." This one is different from the others..." He then smiles. "Good.I like it this way." brawling his fist and going into a boxing stance he dashes over the Swatbot intending to finish the fight. "Hope you can give me an actual challenge!!!"

    Still retreating from the battle behind him, Valen presses more buttons on his controller causing more Swatbots to come out and go into battle as backup. These ones are the regular normal Swatbots that are normally seen in the legion army. He felt grateful that he was given Swatbots from Robotnik after getting permission to do so. Now feeling safe, he stops retreating and looks at the fighting going on taking mental notes of the battles and observes each of the freedom fighters' fighting strategy in an attempt of coming up with the next plan of attack.

    Meanwhile, Antoine was still focused on his fight against one Valen's personal Swatbots avoiding the attacks from the machine. Antoine quickly waits for the right moment and then a few seconds later does quick stabs to the robot. However, the damage does little to it. "Quelle.!?" Surprised at the outcome, Antoine moves back in a retreat and hides behind a tree but quickly moves out of the way from another attack from the Swatbot. Expecting another attack Antoine prepared to dodge again but sees the Swatbot's arm stuck in the tree.

    Relieved, Ant takes a few deep breaths until he hears a sound. He tracks it to see Lien-Da looking at him. This doesn't take him long to figure out why. He was in trouble more than you think as he didn't want to fight a woman. His honor didn't allow it. 



    Valen was initially surprised at the sneak attack from the freedom fighters but quickly regain his composure. He wasn't going to let his years of experience go to waste because he was surprised from this as he been on the receiving end of this since his first battles and quickly retreated away from the action. He wanted to stay but knew he couldn't with his body not being what it used to be. Moving back he presses buttons on the controller to orders his Swatbots to attack and cover his retreat. The sounds of machines could be heard as the enhancers on Valen help him retreat while the Swatbots began to attack targeting Sally but one of were interpreted by Jeremy as he jumps from one of them from above. Causing it to stop in it tracks and focus on it. 

    The other Swat Bots doesn't stop heading for Sally until Antoine comes in the way of the Swatbot. "If u wat ze princezz then you must go thought moi." He said fear starting to come in play with his saber out in front of the Swatbot.



    Valen didn't like having to follow the orders of Lien Da but tolerated it in the end since he realized that the woman does have some leadership skills,was strong enough to fight her own battles and it was on the orders of man he owed a lot in Robotnik. Valen Harpler-Laymont enjoyed being outside despite his mobility being limited from the battles he been in but was grateful that the robotic enhancements on his legs help him moved.  His given orders was to assist in the placing of sonar bacons around the forest and advise the others were the sonars should be placed. He did scans of the forest with the use swatbots that created for him as bodyguards and his computer that was connected to his computer. 

    He knew that the freedom fighters will attempt to stop the sonars from being place in the great forest. He had his swat bots scan the area around him for anything that wasn't a legion member, he ordered them not to move far away from him as he wasn't as good as a fighter as he new to be but had his cane with him just in case something were to happen to his bots.




    Antoine wasn't thrilled in taking part in this mission to stop the sonar from being place but was less thrilled at the thought of the sonars locating their base if they were to fail the mission and can't stop the Legion from placing the sonars.  Hiding behind a tree with Princess Sally near him, Antoine had his saber in hand and was ready to attack on the princess's order but he felt unease about attacking the legion in the great forest. Normally a person feels more confident and better about taking someone on when there on their own territory but for Ant he wasn't. Maybe it was because he normally did missions and fought battles in the enemy home turf and not at the great forest.  While he worried about that a bit he was more worried about the other plan the Legion had.

    Jeremy on the other hand couldn't wait to battle the Leigon members and was being impatient at the moment. Standing on a thick tree branch, he kept himself in checked, remembering why he was here in the first place reminding him that people are counting on him and the other freedom fighters.

  4. Resting on the chair that was used and taking a few deep breaths, Wild took what happen in the past few minutes. Ignoring June leaving the bar, Jasper wanted to make sure he would remember the event for as long as he can. Looking at his dick he relented not being able to last longer but took solace in knowing he was able to tap some ass despite not getting some of Chole's pussy. Feeling a bit better Wild stands up and walks towards his clothing that wasn't even place in one spot. As he picked up the underwear he heard a voice.

    "I really hope you enjoyed yourself." Nick said inside the mind folding his arms "All that money gone just to have sex with that woman, who knows what she has!! We could have an infection for all we know!!"

    Wild only smirked in respond, "Please...we both know it was well worth the risk, besides, it not like I was the only one enjoying it. And I'm talking about the other person who joined in."  Inside the mind, he gave Nick a glare causing Nick to blush. "Please, like I would actively enjoy having sex the way you did to that woman."

    "Oh play that way Nick ." Wild replied " We both know you would never have the balls to do what I just did. Let's face it Nick I'm here because you made me because you can't do what I do."  Those words made a normally calm Nick boil up. Outside in the real world, Wild returned to focusing on getting dressed until he feels pain in his head. "AHH!!!" He winced dropping the clothing he picks up and grabbed his head with his hand. Inside the mind, Nick has Wild from behind into a headlock squeezing the head "I'M AM SO TRIED OF YOU WILD!!!" He said with anger and malice. Wild respond to the headlock was by attempting to maneuver in order to get a better spot to fight back.  He swung around as hard as he could, carrying the weight of both him and Nick. He Nick's grip on Wild's head started to loosen making him move around from behind Wild to his side. In the real world, Wild is swinging around just as he is in the mind.

    Taking the opportunity, Wild elbows Nick in the gut forcing him to release the headlock on him. Wild gets to one knee and takes deep breaths in order to recover while Nick does the same thing "Okay....then..." Wild talked in between his breathing. "If your going to..... be like that... then fine!!! I'll let you.... have control again." He said beginning to breathe normally "I got what I'll wanted and because of that, I'll let this side. But don't I'll let you off easy if this happens again."

    Back into the real word, Nick who has now taken control of the body opening his eyes and realizing that he was inside the same room as Chole was. He felt awkward being inside the room near her at first but then notice her in a curl up position and soon realized she was crying. Nick couldn't help but feel pity for the woman, wondering what is making her cry. He considered leaving the place, thinking that he wouldn't see her again but he knew he couldn't do it. He just wasn't like Nick.

    "Are you ok?" He said in an soft tone voice. "Do you need some help?" 

  5. Jeremy didn't 't see Ashley coming down from above and was surprised beyond belief. "What the heck!!!" He yelled not being able to see anything and tries his best to move out of the way in order to see. Getting the parachutes off his head allowed Jeremy to see Ashley's face.

    "Are you two ok?" Jeremy turned to see Antoine near him walking him "I didn't see everything but I did hear her falling on you." Jeremy checked himself to see if there was anything missing and got up. "I seem to be okay. Don't know about her however." 

    "Are you okay Ashley?" Antoine asked her.


    Continuing his thrusting on Chloe's ass, Wild increased his thrusting adding more force with each thrust knowing he was close to finishing himself in Chole. He stopped sucking on Chloe's nipples in order to speak, "Ohhh, I'm about to bust a nut ladies ahhh." Were the last words he said before releasing his own seed into the woman on top of him. A few joints of cum enter into Chloe in fast succession. Taking a deep breath, Wild does a weak smile grateful he was able to tap Chloe ass once again. Coming back to reality Wild wanted to move but couldn't at the risk of "rocking the boat" as some people would say. Instead, he did something rare: He grabs Chloe tit's and began to message them. He knew that there wasn't anything in it for him but he had a good time and it was all because of her.


  7. (I don't mind one bit.)a

    Hearing Sophia said she was finished with her drawing, Jeremy looked over to her "Sweet!! May I see it Sop?" He asked, "Once I see the drawing I'll give you some pointers ok?" He added, waiting for her to give him her drawing to look at until she talked about the training grounds. "Ahh Cool!!" He smiled "I could always use a hand in getting stronger at the training grounds! Of course!!"

  8. "Well, I plan on going over there after I'm done here with lunch" He answered almost finished with his drawing. " I can't call it a day if I don't head to the training grounds, that place is like my home away from home." He added. "Okay I'm almost...finished with this drawing, I can't wait for you to see it!!" He was excited for the drawing he made. He heard Sophia's comment about her drawing and he responded: "If you want I could give you some pointers on drawing Sop, don't be scared to ask ok?"   

  9. Hearing Ashely speaks about her membranes made Antoine reply "Good to know that." He said smiling " Let's just hope you don't have to use zem anytime soon." He added. Seeing her head to the support beam he went back to his own business and continued his stabbing on the dummy. 

    Meanwhile, Jeremy was finishing up with his running and stopped near his bag "Ahh..." He breathes in and out feeling the pain from his leg coming in play. " That was some good running.. now to let's do some push ups!!" He said getting down on the ground, while he wanted to focus on his lower body strength today, he just didn't feel right leaving out his upper body. Getting himself into push up position, he takes a few deep breaths before starting from the ground.

  10. (Sorry for the wait guys..let's wrap this up)

    Wild didn't say a word as he was in pure bliss, not caring one bit that his own cock is touching June's. Granted he would have a problem but just didn't want to do anything that would stop his pleasure. Opening his eyes after closing them for a few seconds, he couldn't help but look at Chloe's beast that were moving in rhythm to the thrusting. A though appear from the back of his mind that made him curious. Wild opened his mouth and on Chloe right breast and nipple and suck them. He felt his climax coming soon much to his displeasure but was grateful he lasted this long. 

  11. "If you ever want to get stronger than you can always come to me for some exercises," Jeremy said, "I might even convince my grandfather to help you out on that as well." He added. "Of you can always talk to your wife about it but I you already know so that a dumb thing for me to say now isn't it?" He did a half-hearted smile at Sophia. Continuing his drawing Jeremy almost finished with it but wanted to make some finishing touches. "How your drawing going along?"

  12. Antoine showed a confused look for a quick second wondering why she fights for Anger but then it disappeared and was replaced upon hearing more of her reasons. "I guess it would be good to visualize ze enemy as something for training purposes." Responding to Ashley reasons before hearing her speak again. "I hope so too." He said, "If all of this training can help us get our loved ones back then so be it.." He could help but think about his father when he said that and hoped that he was still alive somewhere. "You be careful climbing now." He said as he went back to his stabbing drills.

    Meanwhile Jeremy had just finished his warms and now was getting himself ready for his cardio training, he headed over to one side of the training grounds and gotten himself in position. "Okay...." He said taking a deep breath. "One...Two...THREE!!!." He jogged straight away intending to do so for a couple of times. He looked over to the others watching what they were going while jogging then focusing back on his cardio.

  13. Wild was surprised at Chloe's next move of choice, he didn't think she would be assertive to the point of sitting on him and putting his cock in her ass. "Sweetcakes you are surprising me every minute and I'm loving every single second of it!!" He began to assisting in pleasuring Chloe moving his hips while grabbing her own in order to help with the thrusting. He wondered if he could do a good job then he could get a chance at Chloe's pussy. He didn't even notice June sticking her own cock inside Chloe's ass and it touching his until she told him to grab her ass. He then felt her cock but decided to play along, not wanting to rock the boat and believing June was a woman instead of a man.

    "You mean like this?!!" He asked grabbing June buttcheek's with one of his hands.

  14. Antoine stopped for a moment in order to answer the woman question," Oui" He said in his native french langauge, "I thought it would be better to werk on ze basic for now." He added, " I don't wat to see anyvons getting hurt and not being able to do anyzing about it because of mon skills aren't how you say...good enough. What about you, what bring you here?" 

    While Antoine was answering his questioning a dog walked into the training ground with his bag looking bissful at seeing what he calls his home away from home. "How I miss you training grounds." Jeremy said. "Let's me see.. I worked on upperbody strengh, so I now need to work my carido and lower body strengh." He  looked around for a spot and soon headed to one, placing his bag afterwards and started streching as a warm up "Let's see if I could get this body warmed up in a couple of seconds."


    "Well, that settles it." Jeremy said sighing, stopping his drawing had. "If someone said that my grandfather is right then I guess I SHOULD learn up on some history. Well if it going to help me on my fighting style then I guess all of the time that will be loss won't be so bad." He finished returning to the paper with his pencil. He made some progress with the picture finishing up a layer and now focusing on making a new one to add shading. While he does he hears Sophia talk about her strength. "As much as going indoors to exercise help with your strength, you're better off exercising outside, or better yet over at the training grounds." He advised, " I have a training exercise regiment I follow that will do wonders for your body." He added, " If you're interested I can help you out on that."

    "If you do then good for you!!" He said, " Now if only we can have hot springs in out in our own homes...."


  16. (Sorry for not posting here recently but I do plan on finishing this topic)

    Clapping could be heard from Wild who is seen sliming from the show he watched "Ladies, Ladies..." He said " Amazing show you put on right there, and all for little ol me." He added, "But here I am feeling bad about not returning the favor to two, so why don't I come back in and be apart of the show again?" He asked, "I'm ready to go again and so is my cock as you can see." He pointed to his cock with both index fingers with it status back to being elect from Wild watching the show. "So what else do you ladies want to do" He asked.


  17. "Oh I know how it feels to be outside but sometimes I like to be inside a lot more." He admitted, "Don't get me wrong, I enjoy being outside but I'm normally outside all the time training for the future." He added continuing with his stretching on paper drawing. " Recently my grandpa wanted me to focus on the books now to develop my brain." Jeremy pointed to his head to emphasize what he just said.  "I guess I can't just expect my strength to get me out of situation huh?" He asked while drawing on paper. "Boy, drawing can be time-consuming huh? 

  18. Walking into the training grounds with a bag Antoine takes a look around the area checking to see if there are anyone around and picking a spot to practice his sword stabs. Finding a spot for him Antone moves towards a dummy that seen better days. " Hello there." He said toward Ashley while heading toward his target.  Getting his saber out from it's holster he does a few stabbing motions to the dummy, hoping to improve his skills with the saber that he had since he was a child. Antione knew he had to get better in combat in order to be useful to the group if he ever planned on seeing his father once more. That was one of the main drives and reason he became a freedom fighter.

  19. "Keep it up ladies." Wild said watching the show in front of him. His cock wasn't getting elect but as long as he was watching the show he knew his dick will be back in action very soon. He made himself comfortable while watching the two not bothering with joining in the action at the moment. Instead of choosing to let the scene play out and resting for a minute, he didn't have anywhere to go for the moment and didn't mind Nick coming into play. Heck he didn't even cared what was going on with Nick. 

    "Oh yeah..you all done this before huh?" He asked.


  20. "What am I going to draw....?" Jeremy thought about it until a smile was seen on his face. "Well, I'm going to draw one of the vegetables. As you which one....I'm keeping it a secret." He said sitting down and positioning himself, getting ready to draw, and beginning to lightly draw on the paper to get a feel until he sees the vegetable he wanted to draw. He began to draw it making sure his mistakes were lessened. "Can't wait till you see Sop, it going to look amazing!!"

  21. "Damn straight I do babycakes." He said responding to Chole comment while watching her move her body around much to the lion's interest. "What you doing now I wonder...." He smirked until he saw Chole getting his cum into her mouth surprising him out of nowhere. "Wow, that was freaky...." After those words were said a smile was seen on his face replacing his shock "..and I like it!!" He cried, watching her sallow his cum he couldn't help but ask, " So...how does my jizz taste? Good right? It has to be." He noticed June moving toward Chole making Nick move back a few steps. "Go on ahead, let's see what you can do." He walked toward a chair and sit down on it, rubbing his cock as he sees what June is doing to Chole. "Nice...."

  22. "Sweet!!" Jeremy cried following Sophia outside her hut after grabbing some of his own sheet of paper and a pencil from his bag. Hearing Sophia having a few ideas of her own made him interested "What do you have in mind Sophia?"  He asked not noticing Sophia deep in thought until he heard her apologize to him giving him a confused look for a second which is then replaced by an understanding one. "Darn right fireworks are!!" He cried " And don't worry about it Sophia, we all want this war to end but for now let's continue to do stuff like this. To remind us why we want to have peace."

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