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Posts posted by Mathew322

  1. Title's old and probably doesn't mean anything anymore. I was the original designer of the site. They actually still use my basic design. That last post of mine was actually from my first time visiting the forums since they were created.

    Holds up torch and pitchfork. "Then you best be moving along bub."


    Well if you have any plans on being active then we could always use a tech guy on hand, I'm most of the other would agree to that. ^^

  2. While most of the huts in Knothole Village were just for residential living, some of them served dual purposes. One hut was Nina Silkbottom's which doubled as her clothing store in the front and her home in the back. The front of the hut has a door and a large display window while smaller windows line the sides and back.


    Stepping through the door brings you into the showroom where all the displays are located. Clothes of all kinds, casual, formal, seasonal, and others are all nicely folded on tables and displays. A curtain can be moved over the window so a rotating platform can be used for fittings and other similar purposes but normally it holds a mannequin used for displaying clothing and accessories. The front desk has a display window that accessories and other small items and behind the desk are rolls of cloth and spools of thread for those who want to make their own clothing and a door that leads to her home. Her home is primarily a living room with a bed on one side and a small closed off bathroom on the other. A kitchen is on the back wall and the


    The ceiling to the entire building it raised and has a skylight in the center of both rooms. A large spider web is also suspended across the entire ceiling allowing Nina to move from her home to her shop and vice versa without going through the door. A ladder is placed in her home so guests can get up to the web if they need to but there is no ladder on the shop side for safety.


    [Please ask before posting.]

  3. As they talked about the task at hand Nina would grab a pack and made sure it was empty. "Perhaps we'll run into someone helpful along the way." She said as she put a small blanket and one of their flares inside. "We'll be back as soon as we can... make sure the children get the latest batch of mended blankets." She said as one of her arms pointed over to the pile next to her chair while the others tightened the straps around her shoulders. "Lets get moving." She said as she walked behind Nomad.

  4. The spider was surprised when Nomad grabbed all three of her hands since most people just picked one. "If you need backup Nomad then I might be able to lend a hand." She said as she grabbed a suitcase and stepped behind a changing screen that was thankfully out of view from the staircase. "I might not have much formal combat training but I think I can hold my own." She said as she stepped out wearing a micro-weave black stealth suit that was very similar to his.

  5. In the corner of the room a woman was busy working, her multiple arms working on patching up blankets and clothes and any other fabric they had managed to find in the Royal Villa. "You got that right, I can work with what we've found so far but if I don't eat something substantial soon my webbing might run dry." She said as she folded the cloths she had been working on and walked over to the human. "I've seen you around but I don't believe we've been formally introduced." She held out her three right arms. "Nina Silkbottom, world famous... spider." She said, still adjusting to her sudden lack of fame and fortune.

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