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Team Acorn Community Forums

Role Play Academy

This is a section dedicated to teaching the ins and outs of our RP forum to new players. Anyone who doesn't understand how to Role Play or needs some practice to better understand our way of RP, come here. [speaking OOC is allowed in this forum]


  1. Role Play Class

    This section for discussing tutorials and speaking with Instructors. If you need help or want to learn how to RP, post a new topic in this section. One of the Instructors should assist you.
    This section is also for those who have been deemed unfit to RP in their current knowledge of it, and must learn how here.

  2. Role Play Practice

    Practice Role Playing here. Anything that happens in this section is assumed to be non-canon.

  3. Role Play Graduation

    Anyone who is deemed fit for the official RP will be officially graduated by their instructor here. Congrats, you're ready to RP!

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